Task responsible – iceScrum

Documentation This documentation applies only to iceScrum v7.
For old iceScrum R6, read the documentation or migrate.

Change tasks responsibles.


As a ScrumMaster, define or change task responsibles in order to avoid the need for every team member to take their task individually.

Change a task responsible

Once it is enabled, this App adds a new drop-down menu on tasks details that allows ScrumMasters to define or change the responsible of the task among any Team member, ScrumMaster or Product Owner of the project.

This can help save time, e.g. tasks can be taken by members during the daily standup meeting from one computer without needing to login / log out for every member.

Changing task responsible can also be used to assign tasks, but we don’t recommend doing so as team members should rather be self-organized and take tasks by themselves as the sprint goes on.

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