iceScrum | Sprint Plan shows up as empty – iceScrum

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  • #10670


    We are experiencing a problem with one of our iceScrum projects. It is the only project on our system with this problem and it has consisted through several sprints. I am not sure if this is relevant but this is our oldest project with iceScrum and started May, 2013.

    When you go to the project in iceScrum and navigate to the #sprintPlan page it is completely empty of tasks and stories. However, the sprint appears in the Release plan as «In progress» and if you add the sprint number to the end of the url the sprint plan will appear.

    To clarify:
    The URL /icescrum/p/INFRA#sprintPlan is empty
    But the URL /icescrum/p/INFRA#sprintPlan/834 shows the current sprint. (834 being the current number for our sprint)

    Additionally, I tried to see what the iceScrum API was returning and getting the specific sprint 834 with the Sprint API will return the expected data with story ids and task ids showing up. But using the Task API to retrieve the current sprint’s tasks returns an empty json string.

    So the API command:

    curl -H «Accept: application/json» -u user:password –request GET –verbose http://server/icescrum/ws/p/INFRA/sprint/834

    returns the expected JSON

    but the API command

    curl -H «Accept: application/json» -u user:password –request GET –verbose http://server/icescrum/ws/p/INFRA/task

    returns an empty json string.


    Nicolas Noullet


    I suspect that something is wrong with the underlying data. Such an inconsistency could mislead the operation that retrieves the current sprint and makes it return nothing, despite the sprint being accessible through other means (e.g. direct access by its ID).

    I suspect a problem with the orderNumber field or maybe a «shadow sprint» that has is not visible in the user interface.

    What DBMS do you use? Could you send me an SQL export of your DB (nnoullet_at_kagilum_dot_com).

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