iceScrum | Pasar historias del backlog al sprint – iceScrum

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  • #47717


    Good afternoon, first of all I am new using Icescrum and maybe the error is basic for you. The problem is the following, I successfully create the stories that go to the sandbox, I accept them as valid user stories in the «accept as history» option, after that I am informed that the story was sent to «Product Backlog «. When by the tab managed to access it I do it without problems, but I can not see it reflected in the table that is created on the left from which I can move to the Sprint. If anyone knows why or wants more detail would be of great help.


    Nicolas Noullet


    In order to be displayed in the left table and to be planned in a sprint, a story needs to be in the «Estimated» state, the state that comes after «Accepted».

    An «Accepted» from the «Product Backlog» moves to the «Estimated» state when it is estimated by a team member or ScrumMaster (Product Owner(s) cannot estimate a story).

    In order to estimate the effort of a story (usually in story points), a member just has to click on the «?» on the post-it and select a value.

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