iceScrum | Optimize database operations – iceScrum

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  • #23987



    I thought IceScrum was too slow and so I looked on the slow database queries on MySQL.
    I quickly find those kind of queries :

    # Query_time: 0.007618  Lock_time: 0.000051 Rows_sent: 2  Rows_examined: 21316
    SET timestamp=1459702414;
    select this_.activity_id as y0_ from fluxiable_activity_link this_ where this_.activity_ref=3363 and this_.type='task';
    # Query_time: 0.009687  Lock_time: 0.000051 Rows_sent: 2  Rows_examined: 21316
    SET timestamp=1459702414;
    select this_.activity_id as y0_ from fluxiable_activity_link this_ where this_.activity_ref=3365 and this_.type='task';
    # Query_time: 0.010406  Lock_time: 0.000055 Rows_sent: 2  Rows_examined: 21316
    SET timestamp=1459702414;
    select this_.activity_id as y0_ from fluxiable_activity_link this_ where this_.activity_ref=3366 and this_.type='task';
    # Query_time: 0.014453  Lock_time: 0.000049 Rows_sent: 2  Rows_examined: 21316
    SET timestamp=1459702414;
    select this_.activity_id as y0_ from fluxiable_activity_link this_ where this_.activity_ref=3364 and this_.type='task';

    To test I quickly added an index like this :

    create index toto on  fluxiable_activity_link (activity_ref);

    The effect was spectacular on my setup.

    I know your product does not only run on MySQL.
    Are you able to handle specific database backend optimization in your product ?

    This optimization was tried on version R6#14.9.


    Nicolas Noullet


    Thanks for your contribution and sorry for the delay, we now focus most of our efforts on iceScrum 7.

    The index is now created automatically on most DBMS (including MySQL) when you install the latest version (R6#14.11). Thus, you can delete your custom index before upgrading.

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